STRÖM IS BACK! Barely 17 months after the release of the critically acclaimed debut album Ström, it´s time for album number two “En Orkan På Vår Sida“. Ström is a brilliant mix of good classic hard rock and rock n roll. Musically, you can of course pull the AC/DC...
Quantum releases their debut album Down the Mountainside today!
Quantum releases their debut album Down the Mountainside today! Quantum´s album, “Down the Mountainside”, contains eight very elaborate and intense compositions, spanning 45 minutes of music that shimmers in acoustic soundscapes one minute to explode into spastic...
Freedom releases Tonight, their second single of the upcoming album Stay Free!
Freedom releases Tonight, their second single of the upcoming album Stay Free! Freedom is deeply rooted in 70s and 80s working class rock, and the band takes the listener on a wonderful musical journey. From the back streets of New Jersey to glam parties in L.A.,...
“MURDER OF CROWS”, CHILEAN THRASHER NUCLEAR RELEASES NEW VIDEO The intensity of a metal gig in South America. That’s the essence of “Murder Of Crows” the new video released by Chilean thrash maniacs NUCLEAR. Recorded during an insane gig supporting Bay Area legends...
Second single from Quantum out now!
On the Verge – The second single of Quantum’s upcoming album is released today! On the Verge is Quantum’s second single from the upcoming album Down the Mountainside which is set for release on April 19. The lyrical themes of the album deal with humans alter egos –...
Freedom releases new single – This is Gonna Hurt
This is Gonna hurt is the new single from Freedom’s upcoming album Stay Free! Have you ever fallen head over heels in love with something or someone you know is bad for you? The warning signs are there, and there’s this voice in your head saying ”this is gonna hurt”....