Contact us


Sound Pollution Distribution AB

Box 2140
103 14 Stockholm

Office visiting address:
Götlundagatan 34
124 71 Bandhagen

Street address/warehouse:
Götlundagatan 34
Floor 4
124 71 Bandhagen

Phone : +46-8-545 295 90
E-mail: mail (@)


If you like to send us a demo of your band, please follow the instructions here. Please send either a CD, vinyl or cassette to Sound Pollution Distribution AB, Box 2140, 103 14 Stockholm, Sweden.

Or a listening link to Soundcloud, Dropbox or other file sharing services to: mail (@)

Note: Please do NOT send files directly attached in your e-mail message.

Apply to become a customer

Sound Pollution will use the information you provide on this form to be in touch with you and to provide you with our latest news. By signing up you give us your consent to provide you with our newsletter.

Looking for distribution?

Sound Pollution will use the information you provide on this form to be in touch with you and to provide you with more information. By signing up you give us your consent to provide you with our newsletter.

Application Form Distribution

Billing Address
Delivery Address (if different from above)
Max. file size: 256 MB.
Please upload an Excel file or similar containing your products.. (Max 1 MB)